Therapy and Wellness Center
Leaving a Legacy of Hope
Therapy and Wellness Center
"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."
– John 10:28
Honoring The Life and Memory of Nancy Ann Holloway
Nancy Ann Holloway
August 22, 1950 - April 3, 2021
"We will summon your courage, insurmountable faith, and indomitable spirit, and treat every day as a gift."
Remembering Nancy...
Nancy was one of those rare people who from an early age knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life which was to become a mother, a nurse and own/ride horses. Even more amazing was that she achieved each of these in having two wonderful children, being a registered nurse who cared for veterans for over 25 years, and caring for her loved horses.
Nancy’s template for living was Courage, Hope, and Faith, which she demonstrated throughout life and notably during her 7 year battle with cancer.
Her legacy for Courage, Hope and Faith will always be remembered by the Holloway family.
Celebrating the life of Nancy Holloway
"Nancy, you may not have realized it, but your fearless battle against life’s greatest challenge has taught us how to live, now, and in the future!"
A Message From Doug
Nancy’s love for horses, was only exceeded by her love for family. As if she knew Nancy was departed and they would meet again in time, to the astonishment of all, drawing attention from 100’s of passersby, her horse MacGyver quietly grazed on the front lawn at the funeral house in downtown Plymouth in tribute to Nancy. Whether you knew horses or not, their bond was evident.
Nancy’s childhood dreams, which she realized many times over, were to be a nurse and own a horse. Donating to Ahava’s equine assisted therapy program could not be more appropriate to honor a women who was a career nurse caring for Veterans and who was also an accomplished horse back rider.